Privacy Policy

The company under the name “EUROTRAP LTD | Pest Control Products “, located in 11 Empedokleous Str. 12131, Peristeri Athens, Greece, as auditor of the data contained in this website informs the visitors that the processing of personal data provided (in as “data”) in writing, by electronic or telecommunication means to provide them the requested service. The data of the users sent electronically to the website remain confidential and not communicated or disclosed to third parties. Users of the website are not required to provide personal data. However, if you do not, may prevent the delivery of the requested service.

The personal data of the website users will not spread and will not be disclosed to third parties. But may be disclosed to employees, employed by the data controller of the site and to those that has delegated the provision of services, as well as to employees and managers, to which the auditor has given an update list of the website data.

At any time Users of the website reserve the right to control their personal data and to request correction, updating, or their delete, and they may exercise the rights according to the provisions of Law 2472/1997, by written request to the managing company of the website “EUROTRAP LTD | Pest Control Products” or at

Visiting the website and using the services of constitutes unconditional acceptance of these terms and conditions.


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